FD Calculator

Enter the values that you want to calculate FD.

Monthly deposit
Interest Rate
Interest Compounding
Period (months)
Maturity Value:

FD Calculator


Embark on a journey of financial growth with our Fixed Deposit (FD) Calculator. Tailored for savers and investors, this tool demystifies the complexities of fixed deposits, offering clear insights into potential earnings through accrued interest over time.

Understanding Fixed Deposits

Fixed Deposits are a cornerstone of conservative investment, offering a safer avenue for parking funds compared to volatile markets. With fixed interest rates and predetermined maturity periods, FDs provide a predictable return, making them a preferred choice for risk-averse investors.

How It Works

  1. Monthly Deposit: Enter the amount you intend to deposit regularly.
  2. Interest Rate: Specify the annual interest rate offered by your bank or financial institution.
  3. Interest Compounding: Choose the compounding frequency—Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly, or Yearly.
  4. Investment Period: Determine the duration of your deposit in months.


The maturity value of an FD can be calculated using the formula for compound interest:

\[ A = P \left(1 + \frac{r}{n}\right)^{nt} \]

  • \( A \) is the amount of money accumulated after n years, including interest.
  • \( P \) is the principal amount (initial investment).
  • \( r \) is the annual interest rate (decimal).
  • \( n \) is the number of times interest is compounded per year.
  • \( t \) is the time the money is invested for in years.

Practical Uses

From long-term savings for future financial goals to acting as an emergency fund and a stepping stone for new investors, FDs offer a multitude of uses.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to calculate FD returns?
Use our FD Calculator by inputting your deposit amount, interest rate, compounding frequency, and tenure to estimate your returns.
What impacts FD interest rates?
FD rates are influenced by central bank policies, economic conditions, the tenure of the deposit, and the bank's discretion.
Are FD investments risk-free?
FDs are among the safest investment options, often insured up to a certain limit, minimizing risk.
Can I break my FD before maturity?
Breaking an FD before maturity is possible but might incur a penalty and reduced interest earnings.
What is the best way to invest in FDs for maximum returns?
For maximum returns, consider laddering your FDs, investing at different tenures and rates to benefit from higher interest rates and liquidity.
How does compounding frequency affect my FD returns?
The more frequently interest is compounded, the higher your returns will be due to the effect of compounding interest.
Is it better to opt for monthly interest payout or reinvest in FD?
Reinvesting the interest in FD usually yields higher returns due to compounding, while monthly payouts provide regular income.
How are taxes applied to FD returns?
Interest earned on FDs is taxable as per your income tax slab, and banks deduct TDS if interest exceeds a certain limit.
Can I take a loan against my FD?
Yes, most banks allow you to take a loan against your FD up to 90% of its value, ensuring liquidity without breaking the FD.
What happens if I don't claim my FD upon maturity?
Unclaimed FDs post-maturity are typically renewed at the prevailing rate until claimed, but policies can vary between banks.
Are online FD calculators accurate?
Online FD calculators like ours provide a close estimate of returns based on the inputs but always confirm with your bank for exact figures.