Enter the value that you want to convert gpa to letter grade.
Letter grade: |
GPA | Letter Grade |
Percentage Grade |
4.33 | A+ | 97%-100% |
4.00 | A | 93%-96% |
3.67 | A- | 90%-92% |
3.33 | B+ | 87%-89% |
3.00 | B | 83%-86% |
2.67 | B- | 80%-82% |
2.33 | C+ | 77%-79% |
2.00 | C | 73%-76% |
1.67 | C- | 70%-72% |
1.33 | D+ | 67%-69% |
1.00 | D | 63%-66% |
0.67 | D- | 60%-62% |
0 | F | 0%-59% |
It is a free online GPA to letter grade conversion calculator. It converts GPA units to letter grade using a standard grading scale system in any school or college or university. Some of the institutes may use some other matrix but most of the institutes using the same grading scale. The GPA to letter conversion table along with the percentage matrix included in the table shown below.
Letter grading starts from A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- and F. Each letter has its equivalent percentage value, GPA value. Grades are assigned by a standard grading system. Our cumulative grade calculator converts graduate schools GPA, high school GPA, and college GPA.
Our GPA grading system converts the weighted GPA to letter grade base on the standard grading scale system. Most of the high schools, colleges, and universities are using the same grading standards to calculate grading. Here we are going to give you a simplified solution to convert GPA to letter grade. Simply enter the GPA value and click on Calculate to get an appropriate letter grade.
To use this you need to follow given instructions.
1. Open GPA to Letter Grade.
2. Enter the GPA and click on Calculate to get accurate results.