ASCII,Hex,Binary,Decimal,Base64 Converter

Enter the value that you want to convert ASCII, Hexdec, Binary, decimal..

Number delimiter:
0x/0b prefix:
ASCII text:
Hex (bytes):
Binary (bytes):
Decimal (bytes):

ASCII, Hex, Binary, Decimal, and Base64 Converter

In the digital world, understanding different numerical systems is crucial. From ASCII to Hex, Binary, Decimal, and Base64, each plays a vital role in computing and data encoding. Our tool simplifies these conversions, making it easy for anyone to switch between these systems effortlessly.

ASCII: The Basics

ASCII stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". It's a character encoding standard used to represent text in computers. Each ASCII code represents a specific character, such as a letter, digit, or punctuation mark, using a 7-bit binary number.

Hexadecimal: The Color of Numbers

Hexadecimal, or hex, is a base-16 numeral system. It uses sixteen distinct symbols, 0-9 to represent values zero to nine, and A-F to represent values ten to fifteen. Hex is widely used in computing as a more human-friendly representation of binary-coded values.

Binary: The On and Off

Binary is the simplest form of number system that uses only two digits, 0 and 1, to represent on and off states in digital electronics. It's the foundational language of computers.

Decimal: The Everyday

Decimal, or base-10, is the standard system for denoting integer and non-integer numbers. It's the most used number system in daily life, featuring digits from 0 to 9.

Base64: The Translator

Base64 is an encoding scheme used to convert binary data into text format so it can be easily transmitted over networks. It's particularly useful in email and web encoding.

Formulas and Conversions

  • ASCII to Binary: ASCII characters are converted to binary by finding the binary equivalent of the ASCII value of each character.
  • Hex to Decimal: Each hex digit represents four binary digits; therefore, hex is converted to decimal by calculating the sum of each hex digit times its corresponding power of 16.
  • Binary to Decimal: Binary is converted to decimal by calculating the sum of binary digits (bits) times their corresponding powers of 2.
  • Decimal to Hex: Decimal numbers are converted to hex by dividing the original number by 16 and using the remainder as the hex digit, from right to left.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Convert Hex to ASCII?

To convert hex to ASCII, divide the hex string into two-digit pairs, then convert each pair to its decimal equivalent, and look up the ASCII table for the corresponding character.

Is ASCII in Hex or Decimal?

ASCII can be represented in both hex and decimal formats. The representation depends on the context and the required use case.

How to Convert BCD to ASCII Code?

To convert Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) to ASCII, first convert each BCD digit to its equivalent decimal value, and then map those to their ASCII characters using the ASCII table.

How to Convert Decimal to ASCII?

To convert a decimal number to its ASCII equivalent, use the ASCII table to find the character that corresponds to the decimal value.

What is the ASCII Hex Format?

The ASCII Hex format refers to the hexadecimal representation of ASCII characters. Each ASCII character has a corresponding hexadecimal value.

How Convert Hex to Binary?

To convert hex to binary, convert each hex digit into its four-digit binary equivalent. Repeat this process for each digit in the hex number.

How Convert ASCII to Decimal?

Convert ASCII characters to their decimal equivalents by using the ASCII table, where each character is mapped to a specific decimal number.

How to Convert Hex to Decimal?

To convert hex to decimal, convert each hex digit to its decimal value and then sum them up, each multiplied by \(16^n\) where \(n\) is the digit's position from right, starting at 0.

How to Convert ASCII to Binary?

First, convert the ASCII character to its decimal equivalent and then convert that decimal number to binary.

Why Do We Convert Hex to ASCII?

Converting hex to ASCII is often necessary to make binary data human-readable, aiding in debugging and interpreting data transmissions.

What is 0x70 in Hexadecimal in ASCII?

In hexadecimal, 0x70 corresponds to the ASCII character 'p'.

How Do You Convert Hex?

Hex numbers can be converted by breaking them down into binary or directly into their decimal or ASCII equivalents, depending on the target format.

What is Hex 30 in ASCII?

In ASCII, hex 30 represents the numeral '0'.

How Do You Convert Hex to ASCII Manually?

To convert hex to ASCII manually, divide the hex string into two-digit groups, convert each group to its decimal equivalent, and then use the ASCII table to find each decimal value's corresponding character.

What is Hex vs ASCII?

Hex (hexadecimal) is a base-16 numeral system used in computing for its efficiency in representing binary data. ASCII is a character encoding standard for text.

How to Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal?

Convert each hex digit into its decimal equivalent and then add them up, each multiplied by \(16\) raised to the power of the digit's position, starting from the right.

How to Convert Binary to ASCII?

To convert binary to ASCII, first convert the binary sequence to decimal, and then use the ASCII table to find the character corresponding to that decimal number.

How to Read Hex?

Reading hex involves converting each digit to its decimal equivalent or by grouping binary digits into four-bit segments that correspond to each hex digit.

What is ASCII Value?

The ASCII value of a character refers to its numerical representation in the ASCII coding system. For example, the ASCII value for 'A' is 65.

Binary to ASCII text conversion table

ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Octal Binary
null 0 0 0 0
start of header 1 1 1 1
start of text 2 2 2 10
end of text 3 3 3 11
end of transmission 4 4 4 100
enquire 5 5 5 101
acknowledge 6 6 6 110
bell 7 7 7 111
backspace 8 8 10 1000
horizontal tab 9 9 11 1001
linefeed 10 A 12 1010
vertical tab 11 B 13 1011
form feed 12 C 14 1100
carriage return 13 D 15 1101
shift out 14 E 16 1110
shift in 15 F 17 1111
data link escape 16 10 20 10000
device control 1/Xon 17 11 21 10001
device control 2 18 12 22 10010
device control 3/Xoff 19 13 23 10011
device control 4 20 14 24 10100
negative acknowledge 21 15 25 10101
synchronous idle 22 16 26 10110
end of transmission block 23 17 27 10111
cancel 24 18 30 11000
end of medium 25 19 31 11001
end of file/ substitute 26 1A 32 11010
escape 27 1B 33 11011
file separator 28 1C 34 11100
group separator 29 1D 35 11101
record separator 30 1E 36 11110
unit separator 31 1F 37 11111
space 32 20 40 100000
! 33 21 41 100001
" 34 22 42 100010
# 35 23 43 100011
$ 36 24 44 100100
% 37 25 45 100101
& 38 26 46 100110
' 39 27 47 100111
( 40 28 50 101000
) 41 29 51 101001
* 42 2A 52 101010
+ 43 2B 53 101011
, 44 2C 54 101100
- 45 2D 55 101101
. 46 2E 56 101110
/ 47 2F 57 101111
0 48 30 60 110000
1 49 31 61 110001
2 50 32 62 110010
3 51 33 63 110011
4 52 34 64 110100
5 53 35 65 110101
6 54 36 66 110110
7 55 37 67 110111
8 56 38 70 111000
9 57 39 71 111001
: 58 3A 72 111010
; 59 3B 73 111011
< 60 3C 74 111100
= 61 3D 75 111101
> 62 3E 76 111110
? 63 3F 77 111111
@ 64 40 100 1000000
A 65 41 101 1000001
B 66 42 102 1000010
C 67 43 103 1000011
D 68 44 104 1000100
E 69 45 105 1000101
F 70 46 106 1000110
G 71 47 107 1000111
H 72 48 110 1001000
I 73 49 111 1001001
J 74 4A 112 1001010
K 75 4B 113 1001011
L 76 4C 114 1001100
M 77 4D 115 1001101
N 78 4E 116 1001110
O 79 4F 117 1001111
P 80 50 120 1010000
Q 81 51 121 1010001
R 82 52 122 1010010
S 83 53 123 1010011
T 84 54 124 1010100
U 85 55 125 1010101
V 86 56 126 1010110
W 87 57 127 1010111
X 88 58 130 1011000
Y 89 59 131 1011001
Z 90 5A 132 1011010
[ 91 5B 133 1011011
\ 92 5C 134 1011100
] 93 5D 135 1011101
^ 94 5E 136 1011110
_ 95 5F 137 1011111
` 96 60 140 1100000
a 97 61 141 1100001
b 98 62 142 1100010
c 99 63 143 1100011
d 100 64 144 1100100
e 101 65 145 1100101
f 102 66 146 1100110
g 103 67 147 1100111
h 104 68 150 1101000
i 105 69 151 1101001
j 106 6A 152 1101010
k 107 6B 153 1101011
l 108 6C 154 1101100
m 109 6D 155 1101101
n 110 6E 156 1101110
o 111 6F 157 1101111
p 112 70 160 1110000
q 113 71 161 1110001
r 114 72 162 1110010
s 115 73 163 1110011
t 116 74 164 1110100
u 117 75 165 1110101
v 118 76 166 1110110
w 119 77 167 1110111
x 120 78 170 1111000
y 121 79 171 1111001
z 122 7A 172 1111010
{ 123 7B 173 1111011
| 124 7C 174 1111100
} 125 7D 175 1111101
~ 126 7E 176 1111110
DEL 127 7F 177 1111111
  128 80 200 10000000
  129 81 201 10000001
  130 82 202 10000010
  131 83 203 10000011
  132 84 204 10000100
  133 85 205 10000101
  134 86 206 10000110
  135 87 207 10000111
  136 88 210 10001000
  137 89 211 10001001
  138 8A 212 10001010
  139 8B 213 10001011
  140 8C 214 10001100
  141 8D 215 10001101
  142 8E 216 10001110
  143 8F 217 10001111
  144 90 220 10010000
  145 91 221 10010001
  146 92 222 10010010
  147 93 223 10010011
  148 94 224 10010100
  149 95 225 10010101
  150 96 226 10010110
  151 97 227 10010111
  152 98 230 10011000
  153 99 231 10011001
  154 9A 232 10011010
  155 9B 233 10011011
  156 9C 234 10011100
  157 9D 235 10011101
  158 9E 236 10011110
  159 9F 237 10011111
  160 A0 240 10100000
  161 A1 241 10100001
  162 A2 242 10100010
  163 A3 243 10100011
  164 A4 244 10100100
  165 A5 245 10100101
  166 A6 246 10100110
  167 A7 247 10100111
  168 A8 250 10101000
  169 A9 251 10101001
  170 AA 252 10101010
  171 AB 253 10101011
  172 AC 254 10101100
  173 AD 255 10101101
  174 AE 256 10101110
  175 AF 257 10101111
  176 B0 260 10110000
  177 B1 261 10110001
  178 B2 262 10110010
  179 B3 263 10110011
  180 B4 264 10110100
  181 B5 265 10110101
  182 B6 266 10110110
  183 B7 267 10110111
  184 B8 270 10111000
  185 B9 271 10111001
  186 BA 272 10111010
  187 BB 273 10111011
  188 BC 274 10111100
  189 BD 275 10111101
  190 BE 276 10111110
  191 BF 277 10111111
  192 C0 300 11000000
  193 C1 301 11000001
  194 C2 302 11000010
  195 C3 303 11000011
  196 C4 304 11000100
  197 C5 305 11000101
  198 C6 306 11000110
  199 C7 307 11000111
  200 C8 310 11001000
  201 C9 311 11001001
  202 CA 312 11001010
  203 CB 313 11001011
  204 CC 314 11001100
  205 CD 315 11001101
  206 CE 316 11001110
  207 CF 317 11001111
  208 D0 320 11010000
  209 D1 321 11010001
  210 D2 322 11010010
  211 D3 323 11010011
  212 D4 324 11010100
  213 D5 325 11010101
  214 D6 326 11010110
  215 D7 327 11010111
  216 D8 330 11011000
  217 D9 331 11011001
  218 DA 332 11011010
  219 DB 333 11011011
  220 DC 334 11011100
  221 DD 335 11011101
  222 DE 336 11011110
  223 DF 337 11011111
  224 E0 340 11100000
  225 E1 341 11100001
  226 E2 342 11100010
  227 E3 343 11100011
  228 E4 344 11100100
  229 E5 345 11100101
  230 E6 346 11100110
  231 E7 347 11100111
  232 E8 350 11101000
  233 E9 351 11101001
  234 EA 352 11101010
  235 EB 353 11101011
  236 EC 354 11101100
  237 ED 355 11101101
  238 EE 356 11101110
  239 EF 357 11101111
  240 F0 360 11110000
  241 F1 361 11110001
  242 F2 362 11110010
  243 F3 363 11110011
  244 F4 364 11110100
  245 F5 365 11110101
  246 F6 366 11110110
  247 F7 367 11110111
  248 F8 370 11111000
  249 F9 371 11111001
  250 FA 372 11111010
  251 FB 373 11111011
  252 FC 374 11111100
  253 FD 375 11111101
  254 FE 376 11111110
  255 FF 377 11111111