Date Calculator

Enter the value that you want to calculate date.

Days Between Dates:

Date calculator provides you the number of days between two dates. Our date duration calculator helps you find the exact difference between two dates in days, weeks, and months.

What is Date calculator?

Date duration calculator measures the exact time between two dates. To determine the number of days between two dates you need to enter the starting & ending date in month/day/year format. Click on calculate to get exact time difference between two dates in days, weeks, and months.

How to use date duration calculator?

To use the date duration calculator you need to follow below steps.


Open Date Calculator.


Enter the Start and End dates in month/date/year format.


Click on calculate to get time difference between dates in days, weeks, and months.

Units, symbols and conversion values used in this time calculator

To Convert from Unit Unit Symbol and Convert to ( s ) Multiply by ( s / Unit )
nanosecond nssecond0.000000001
second ssecond1
second (sidereal) ssecond0.99726956
minute minsecond60
minute (sidereal)minsecond59.83617361
hour (sidereal) hsecond3590.170417
day dsecond86400
day (sidereal) dsecond86164.09
month mosecond2628000
shake shakesecond0.00000001
year yrsecond31536000
year (sidereal) yrsecond31449892.85
decade decsecond315360000
century csecond3153600000
millennium millenniumsecond31536000000