Enter the value that you want to calculate calories burned.
*Remember to fill the hours input field. |
Result for Total calorie burned: |
The Calories Burned Calculator is designed to estimate the number of calories burned during various activities, ideal for fitness goals.
Calories burned refer to the energy expended during physical activity, varying based on activity intensity, duration, and individual factors.
The formula to estimate calorie burn is:
Calculate burned calories by multiplying the MET value of the activity by your weight in kg and the duration in hours.
This varies based on your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and daily activities. BMR depends on age, gender, weight, and height.
Burning or cutting 7,700 calories is roughly equivalent to losing 1 kg of fat.
Yes, activities like brisk walking, running, or cycling for a short duration can burn approximately 100 calories.
Engage in high-intensity exercises like running, cycling, or swimming for a longer duration to burn 500 calories.
One calorie burn means you have expended enough energy to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius.
Burning 200 calories a day, along with a balanced diet, can contribute to weight loss over time.
The number of steps to burn 500 calories varies based on step intensity and individual weight, typically around 10,000 steps.
Calorie burn while sleeping depends on your weight and sleep duration, approximately 0.42 calories per pound, per hour.
Losing 1kg a week requires a significant calorie deficit, achievable through diet and exercise. It's at the higher end of safe weight loss.
Combine regular cardiovascular and strength training exercises with a healthy diet to lose belly fat.
Losing 2 kg in a week is aggressive and might not be safe. Aim for a slower rate of weight loss.