Amps to Watts Converter

Select current type:  
Enter power in amps: A
Enter voltage in volts: V
Current result in watts: W

Watts and amps conversions at 120V (AC)

Power Current Voltage
50 watts 0.417 amps 120 volts
100 watts 0.833 amps 120 volts
150 watts 1.25 amps 120 volts
200 watts 1.667 amps 120 volts
250 watts 2.083 amps 120 volts
300 watts 2.5 amps 120 volts
350 watts 2.917 amps 120 volts
400 watts 3.333 amps 120 volts
450 watts 3.75 amps 120 volts
500 watts 4.167 amps 120 volts
600 watts 5 amps 120 volts
700 watts 5.833 amps 120 volts
800 watts 6.667 amps 120 volts
900 watts 7.5 amps 120 volts
1000 watts 8.333 amps 120 volts
1100 watts 9.167 amps 120 volts
1200 watts 10 amps 120 volts
1300 watts 10.833 amps 120 volts
1400 watts 11.667 amps 120 volts
1500 watts 12.5 amps 120 volts
1600 watts 13.333 amps 120 volts
1700 watts 14.167 amps 120 volts
1800 watts 15 amps 120 volts
1900 watts 15.833 amps 120 volts
2000 watts 16.667 amps 120 volts
2100 watts 17.5 amps 120 volts
2200 watts 18.333 amps 120 volts
2300 watts 19.167 amps 120 volts
2400 watts 20 amps 120 volts
2500 watts 20.833 amps 120 volts
Note: conversions are for guide-purposes only and are rounded to maximum 3 decimal places.

Watts and amps conversions at 120V (AC)

Power Current Voltage
5 watts 0.417 amps 12 volts
10 watts 0.833 amps 12 volts
15 watts 1.25 amps 12 volts
20 watts 1.667 amps 12 volts
25 watts 2.083 amps 12 volts
30 watts 2.5 amps 12 volts
35 watts 2.917 amps 12 volts
40 watts 3.333 amps 12 volts
45 watts 3.75 amps 12 volts
50 watts 4.167 amps 12 volts
60 watts 5 amps 12 volts
70 watts 5.833 amps 12 volts
80 watts 6.667 amps 12 volts
90 watts 7.5 amps 12 volts
100 watts 8.333 amps 12 volts
110 watts 9.167 amps 12 volts
120 watts 10 amps 12 volts
130 watts 10.833 amps 12 volts
140 watts 11.667 amps 12 volts
150 watts 12.5 amps 12 volts
160 watts 13.333 amps 12 volts
170 watts 14.167 amps 12 volts
180 watts 15 amps 12 volts
190 watts 15.833 amps 12 volts
200 watts 16.667 amps 12 volts
210 watts 17.5 amps 12 volts
220 watts 18.333 amps 12 volts
230 watts 19.167 amps 12 volts
240 watts 20 amps 12 volts
250 watts 20.833 amps 12 volts
Note: conversions are for guide-purposes only and are rounded to maximum 3 decimal places.

Amps to Watts Converter

Easily convert electric current in amps (A) to power in watts (W) with our simple-to-use Amps to Watts Converter. Whether you're working with DC, AC single-phase, or AC three-phase currents, this tool provides you with quick and accurate conversions to help you in your electrical calculations.

How It Works

  • Select Current Type: Choose between DC, AC - Single phase, or AC - Three phase.
  • Enter Power in Amps (A): Input the current in amperes.
  • Enter Voltage in Volts (V): Input the voltage.
  • Result: The converter calculates and displays the power in watts.

Formula for Conversion

The conversion from amps to watts is governed by the formula:

\( \text{Watts (W)} = \text{Amps (A)} \times \text{Volts (V)} \)

For AC currents, the formula adjusts to account for the power factor (PF) and is represented as:

\( \text{Watts (W)} = \text{Amps (A)} \times \text{Volts (V)} \times \text{Power Factor (PF)} \)

Uses and Applications

Amps to Watts conversion is crucial in various fields, including electrical engineering, home appliance planning, and energy management. Understanding the power consumption in watts helps in designing efficient electrical systems, selecting the right equipment, and ensuring safety in electrical circuits.

Examples and Guide

Example 1: Converting 2 Amps to Watts using a 120V AC single-phase system without considering power factor.

Using the formula \( \text{W} = \text{A} \times \text{V} \), we have:

\( 2 \, \text{A} \times 120 \, \text{V} = 240 \, \text{W} \)

Example 2: Converting 3 Amps to Watts on a 220V AC system with a power factor of 0.8.

Formula with power factor: \( \text{W} = \text{A} \times \text{V} \times \text{PF} \)

\( 3 \, \text{A} \times 220 \, \text{V} \times 0.8 = 528 \, \text{W} \)

Frequently Asked Questions

How many watts in 1 amp?

Watts in 1 amp depend on voltage. For DC, watts = amps × volts. So, at 120V, 1 amp equals 120 watts.

How can I convert amps to watts?

In a DC system, use Watts = Amps × Volts. For AC, Watts = Amps × Volts × Power Factor.

What is 20 amps in watts?

For 120V in a DC circuit, 20 amps is 2400 watts (20 × 120).

How many watts is 16a?

At 120V, 16 amps is 1920 watts (16 × 120).

What is 1 amp equal to?

1 amp equals a flow of 1 coulomb per second.

How many volts is 1 amp?

Voltage for 1 amp depends on circuit resistance. V = I × R.

How do I calculate watts?

Watts = Amps × Volts. For AC, also multiply by the power factor.

How is amps calculated?

Amps = Watts / Volts. For AC, divide by the voltage and power factor.

How many watts is 5 volts?

With 1 amp, 5 volts is 5 watts. Watts = Amps × Volts.

How many watts is 1 amp 220 volts?

In DC, 1 amp and 220 volts equals 220 watts.

How many watts is 1 amp at 240 volts?

240 watts in DC, as Watts = Amps × Volts.

What is 200 amp in watts?

At 120 volts, 200 amps equals 24,000 watts.

How many watts is 12V 1 amp?

12 watts, since Watts = Amps × Volts.

What is 1 watt equal to?

1 watt equals 1 joule per second, measuring energy conversion rate.

What is the formula for watts?

Watts = Amps × Volts. For AC, include power factor.

Is 1 volt amp 1 watt?

Yes, in DC circuits. In AC, it depends on power factor.

How do you calculate amps?

Amps = Watts / Volts. For AC, also divide by power factor.

How to calculate voltage?

Voltage = Watts / Amps for DC. For AC, include power factor.

How many watts is a TV?

TV wattage varies but ranges from 20 watts for small models up to 400 watts or more for large screens.